Water tower

Dudelange © André Schösser


LFT conducts extensive market research in order to understand visitors’ needs and expectations and gain insights along their customer journey. We also carry out studies assessing the strength of the brand destination Luxembourg and identifying future growth potential. These insights are key to orientate our destination’s marketing priorities and strategic development choices. We have developed a range of key destination performance indicators to support a sustainable growth management of the destination.

In this section, you can find key insights from our market research activities. (Please note most of these are only accessible via a personal login provided by Visit Luxembourg to stakeholders).

Key figures

2023 (provisional figures)

  • Luxembourg, Jan-Sep, nights in paid accommodation, vs. 2019 : hotels -3% ; campsites -3% ; rentals -3% ; youth hostels* -2% (*Jan-Oct).
  • Luxembourg, Jan-Oct, vs. 2019 : tourist infos +7% (Lux.-City), +6% (other regions) ; castles +18% ; museums -7% ; leisure sites +22%.
  • No direct impact of climate events on largely pre-booked summer travel, but some redirection of last-minute trips to cooler destinations (Benelux, Nordics) and into autumn did occur.
  • Excess savings and pent-up demand by wealthier households still drive travel recovery, esp. in the luxury segment.
  • The Netherlands and Germany are among the best-performing outbound markets this season, while demand from the UK is being hampered by the weakness of the pound against the euro.
  • Demand from China and Japan remains subdued, with domestic travel still favoured for cost reasons.
  • Hotel occupancy rate forecast : 69% (Nov), 63% (Dec), 53% (Jan). Improvement for Dec-Jan, driven by business travel recovery (+4% vs. 2019).
  • 68% of Europeans plan to travel at least once until April (-2 pts. vs. 2022 overall, but increasing in AT, IT, NL and UK).
  • Strongest growth in travel intent this season for winter sports, cruise, cultural, culinary and event trips.
  • Economy and personal finances remain travellers’ key concerns, but also extreme weather events has been mentioned by no less than 14% of travelers.
  • Latest international travel forecasts, vs. 2019 : World -14%, Europe -9% (2023) ; full recovery to be achieved in 2024 (Western Europe: +9%).


  • 2.795.884 nights (+49% vs. 2021, -2% vs. 2019)
  • 1.167.286 arrivals (+55% vs. 2021, +0% vs. 2019)
  • Top 3 source markets (nights) :
    1. Netherlands (778.717)
    2. Germany (382.627)
    3. Belgiium (369.181)
  • Nights in paid accommodation
    • 57% Hotel
    • 34% Camping
    • 9% Rentals & youth hostels
  • Nights in regions
    • 34% Luxembourg City
    • 21% Éislek
    • 20% Mullerthal
    • 11% Guttland
    • 10% Minett
    • 4% Moselle

More key figures

Latest News & Trends

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Vianden castle
© Henry Smeets
19.06.2024 Market research
LFT Travel Insights

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Christmas market Winterlights
© Alfonso Salguiero
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The year is drawing to a close and it’s time for our final Quarterly Report for the year 2023.

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Luxembourg Kirchberg
16.10.2023Market research
LFT Travel Insights

Three quarters through the year, it’s time to take a look at Luxembourg for Tourism’s market intelligence insights for January to August 2023.

Find out more

Brand & Potential Studies

  • To what extent are people aware of Luxembourg as a destination ?
  • How much do people like Luxembourg as a destination, and to what extent do they consider visiting it ?
  • What are future growth potential markets (countries, regions) ?
  • What do people associate with Luxembourg as a destination ?
  • What is the potential of travel themes, such as city trips, hiking, industrial heritage, mountainbiking etc. ?
  • How suitable do people find Luxembourg for these themes ?
  • Do people find Luxembourg sustainable, attractive, open-minded, welcoming, surprising etc. ?

Visitor Survey

  • What are our guests‘ main motives and reasons for visiting Luxembourg ?
  • What information sources inspired them most for choosing Luxembourg ?
  • How did they book and organise their stay ?
  • What did they visit and experience while in Luxembourg ?
  • How satisfied are they and to what extent would they recommend our destination ?
  • What was their perception of Luxembourg as a destination ?
  • How much did they spend ?


Resident Survey

  • To what extent do locals support tourism in Luxembourg ?
  • Do locals identify with the tourist offer, and would they recommend Luxembourg as a destination ?
  • Do locals believe there are too many, too few visitors in Luxembourg ?
  • How is the impact of tourism on the quality of life assessed by locals ?
  • Do locals advocate a more sustainable tourism in Luxembourg ?
  • What is locals’ perception of the benefits and negative impacts of tourism in Luxembourg ?

Segmentation Model

  • Discover LFT’s six target segments : Explorers, Nature-Loving Actives, Perfection Seekers, Short Breakers, Relaxation Seekers, Leisure Oriented
  • What characterises these segments in terms of travel preferences, digital behaviour, attitudes and lifestyles ?

Would you like to find out more about one particular source market or travel theme ?

  • Discover LFT’s Market Profiles
    • Germany
    • Belgium
    • Netherlands
    • France
    • United Kingdom & Ireland
    • Denmark & Sweden
    • Italy
    • Spain
    • Switzerland
    • Austria
    • Poland
    • United States
    • China
    • Portugal
  • Discover LFT’s Theme Profiles 
    • Cycling & MTB
    • City breaks
    • Nature
    • Hiking
    • Culinary & Wine
    • Remembrance tourism & Industrial Heritage
    • Wellness & health
    • Culture & Events
    • Immersive & sustainable travel
    • Quality-oriented travellers
    • Longer trips & off-season travel
    • Repeat visitors & cross-border travel
    • Shopping
    • Transport means
    • Business Events (MICE)

Discover our most important tourism indicators

More studies

Fromburger Haff Osweiler
© Thomas Jutzler

"Landtourismus" Study

Rural tourism is a segment with a lot of potential in Luxembourg. In the context of the LEADER project „Landtourismus“ this potential has been analyzed in detail by means of a study on the economic power and the development potentials of rural tourism.

Find out more