Let’s start by setting the scene. What are the characteristics of our times? At a time of polycrisis, there is a tendency for people who can, to retreat into the private sphere, into feel-good bubbles, away from the dangers of the world. Among all the fast-moving chaos, there is a need for security and a desire for normality, and trust.
There is a lean towards experiences instead of the material. Hyper-individualism is increasing, while health, well-being, and sustainability are ever-more important. With regard to holidays, consumers are pursuing ever more – sometimes seemingly contradictory - options and, more generally, many trends also yield counter trends.
How does Luxembourg for Tourism position its activities and brand Visit Luxembourg in this present reality?
LFT, a reliable reference for guests and partnerships.
In response to these fast-changing times, the LFT strategy focuses on consolidating its high value brand, a reliable reference for guests and partnerships in Luxembourg. LFT promotes strong relationships, actively develops networks at all levels and links them in the interests of the brand and the destination. LFT is further expanding niches and focussing on specific communities. With its activities, LFT promotes the quality of life of Luxembourg's inhabitants as well as their guests and thus contributes to a balanced distribution of tourism effects.
Priorities for LFT in 2025
It starts with the Visit Luxembourg brand, and the ongoing work to protect and anchor it. The international marketing under the “Luxembourg. Live the Moment.” campaign, is the widest reaching expression of the brand, active in Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK. “Luxembourg. Live the Moment.” plays creatively with people's holiday expectations on the one hand and the ultimate experience in Luxembourg on the other.